"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do.

So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.

Explore. Dream. Discover."

- Mark Twain

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Software Engineer Intern at Apple

During my time at Apple, I worked primarily on Full-Stack development with the APAC Edge CDN Team

Technologies: Golang, Gorrila/mux, React, Redux, React Context API

Period: May 2022 - September 2022

Software Engineer Intern at Visa

  • Developed new microservice-level features and functionalities adhering to Object-Oriented Design/SOLID principles for the Visa Installments Project, using Java and Spring Boot.
  • Emphasized heavily on test-driven and behavior-driven development ensuring above 95% code coverage for newly developed features and functionalities, using JUnit, Hoverfly, and Cucumber.
  • Developed ETL (Extract-Transform-Load) scripts to effectively execute data migration for over 10000 rows of data using Scriptella.

Technologies: Java, Springboot, MySQL, JUnit, Cucumber, Scriptella

Period: January 2022 - May 2022

Software Engineer Intern at Yara International

  • Led the design and development of multiple enterprise-level frontend features and functionalities for the Developer API Platform, using the latest technologies of React, TypeScript, and Swagger
  • Developed core enterprise microservices for the Yara Weather Service API using Node, Express, TypeScript, AWS Lambda, and RDS.
  • Designed and implemented comprehensive Unit/Integration/E2E Testing for the Developer API Platform reducing monthly site error rate by 30%, using Jest and React Testing Library.

Technologies: React, TypeScript, Node, Express, Postgresql, Jest, React-Testing Library

Period: August 2021 - November 2021

DevSecOps Engineer Intern at Accenture

  • Developed scalable CI/CD pipelines to enable the automation of workflow and tasks, driving the increase in developer’s efficiency by 40%, using Azure Pipelines and PowerShell.
  • Developed automated test scripts and quality assurance checks to ensure virtual servers are well-maintained and highly available.
  • Analysed current security levels of Azure virtual machines in order to develop hardening scripts to mitigate external threats.

Technologies: Azure DevOps, Azure Platform, Powershell

Period: May 2021 - August 2021

Software Engineer Intern at Ackcio

  • Led the design and development of a new set of diverse features on the Ackcio Beam Software Platform that is used by over 1000 customers from 20 countries over 6 continents, using .NET, C#, jQuery, and Bootstrap.
  • Collaborated in a scrum team to develop a solution for deploying the software platform on the cloud and on-premises.
  • Implemented test-driven development and DevOps practices.

Technologies: C#, .NET, MySQL, jQuery

Period: December 2020 - April 2021