"Empathy, Excellence, Opportunist"

Hi there! My name is Verwin. I am currently a penultimate student studying Information Systems at Singapore Management University. I will be majoring in a dual track which comprises of Business Analytics & Digitalisation and Cloud Solutions.
From a young age, I have always been amazed at the rapid pace of the growing technologies in our world and the amount of impact that it drives towards our lives, be it in diverse perspectives such as economics, society and politics.
We're privileged to be living in a time where science and technology can assist us, make our lives easier and rethink the ways we go about our daily lives. Hence, I am a strong proponent of digital transformation and constantly adapting to the changes around us.
I am passionate in the fields of Software Development & Machine Learning, and I am constantly searching for opportunities to improve these aspects. It is a dream to be able to utilize my passion to drive digital change towards our world and improve society as a whole.